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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

H.264 hardware encoder for Mac - encode movies for iPod, Apple TV and iPhone | iPhone-Scene

H.264 hardware encoder for Mac - encode movies for iPod, Apple TV and iPhone | iPhone-Scene

For quickie conversions (quality unknown, probably single pass CBR I'd guess) - USB stick with a H.264 hardware encoder in it - gotta plug it in and install software, then can encode video for iPod, AppleTV, iPhone, etc. Works with any app that supports QuickTime - iMovieHD, QuickTime Player Pro, etc.

Good news: from Elgato, which has been around for some time

Bad news: little specific hardware bits like this inevitably die the death of non-updated drivers when a new OS comes out down the road.

The only price reference I have is 99 Euros, that's a bit over $130 US.

Elgato "hopes to" ship at end of April, so I'll read that as June+.



Anonymous said...

No that would be a fantastic little device to have.


Quick question, is it possible to have a movie set to repeat on a continuous loop on Apple TV?

Any ideas?

Mike Curtis said...

Sid - don't know, haven't tried, you could set the "Loop" bit in a QT movie, OR make it be the only movie in a playlist, and have AppleTV set to loop.

Wiley said...

Hey mike, what software encoder do you currently reccomend for the apple tv? I have been using ffmpeg x for divx etc and handbrake for dvd's so far to get stuff on my ipod... what's best for apple TV? (mine is coming this weekend! I've got a ton of files I've been waiting to transcode till Apple had an HD solution and it's finally come!)

Mike Curtis said...

Wiley - I use MediaFork for DVDs and just plain jane Apple QuickTime Player for encoding "other" files.

I'll probably make a Compressor setting at some point but I haven't made one....yet.....


Wiley said...

Quicktime is going to be a problem for stuff like DivX, which is the majority of the stuff on torrent (I've got a folder of 29 Zatoichi movies, all DivX that I'm going to have to figure out the best way to batch encode). I'll probably just use ffmpegx or mpeg streamclip for that stuff, but when I get into 720p stuff... I'm unsure of what settings to use... just h.264, 720p? anything special I have to do? Quicktime pro has the convenient apple tv setting in export now, I hope the other transcoders out there follow suit soon.

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