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Monday, March 26, 2007

Why a $100 XBox can be better than the Apple TV

Why a $100 XBox can be better than the Apple TV

His argument boils down to pick up a used Xbox for $100, if you're technically inclined it can do more than a $300 AppleTV.

I counter that if you want a slick interface and easy setup and aren't super technical (but you probably are if you're reading this), then AppleTV is the way to go.

Folks will ALWAYS be able to suggest a roll-your-own approach that is less expensive, but the quality of the purchased option, and the value of your time, are oft overlooked, no offense to the author.



Anonymous said...

I agree. 99% of the population is going to opt for the Apple TV option.

Sometimes as geeks we forget that not every one else has the same technical savvy as we do.

Anonymous said...

but the quality of the purchased option, and the value of your time, are oft overlooked, no offense to the author.

Does this include the amount of time it takes to re-encode all of the video you have that isn't supported on the AppleTV (without hacks that take just as much time as XBMC) but work instantly under XBMC?

I have to say, I'm not at all impressed with the AppleTV. I would go for a refurb'd Mac Mini before an AppleTV any day of the week. Quickly toss on VLC (no hacks required!) and essentially every video file you have will play just fine. Doesn't even require opening the case!

Apple could have easily cornered the market if they simply supported more formats. I predict another device will come along that, while not being as elegant as the AppleTV, will be far more useful and supported.

The only easy way to get video onto your AppleTV is through iTMS, and the selection is abysmal to say the least.

Mike Curtis said...

"only easy way" - I disagree, it is just a few clicks to rip a DVD - my long article talks about how to do a better than Apple job.

If you have media that is in the wrong format, there's a preset to use in Apple QT Pro.

I literally don't know how tough it is to set up an XBMC, so I can't comment on that aspect, but the smooth UI and link/stream stuff with Apple is pretty darned nice.

Anonymous said...

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