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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ten Myths of the Apple TV

Ten Myths of the Apple TV: 5.1 Audio

Oooh, this is GOOD and well researched (for the most part).

He spends so much time on 5.1 audio (Myth #1), tha the breaks 2-10 into separate post.

AFAIK, he scores one miss - stating that AppleTV can work with regular 4:3 aspect TVs over component connections. This is only half correct - it DOES plug in, an image DOES show up, the device DOES display movies etc...but in the wrong aspect ratio. 4:3 content shows up too skinny and pillarboxed, etc.


alcatholic said...

I thought he was not clear that Apple TV cannot play AC3. If I was reading his article as a noob, I wouldn't have understood that @TV cannot play AC3.

alcatholic said...

I thought your March 27 link post to: this Much I Know...

was more informative and clear. Roughly Drafted is usually arguing a point of view rather than just providing technical knowledge. Fair enough, but less helpful to noobs, like me. And I still don't understand why he was not clear on the AC3 issue. Probably his agenda bias...

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