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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gizmodo's Top 5 Apple TV Hacks - Gizmodo

Gizmodo's Top 5 Apple TV Hacks - Gizmodo

Headline says it all!

Almost...the 5 hacks are:
1.) Boot AppleTV from an external USB drive
2.) run XviD files on AppleTV
3.) Upgrade the hard drive in AppleTV
4.) Make Front Row look like AppleTV
5.) Get AppleTV to work on your old school non-HDTV, non-EDTV

There's links and details for all of these in the Gizmodo article, go check it out.

Since you can boot it from another drive, and run AppleTV on a regular Mac, about the only thing that hasn't been done is to run regular OS X on the many days until that gets done?



Matt said...

I don't think people should be saying that AppleTV works on 4x3 TV's. Yes AppleTV will output a 480i signal but it is anamorphic. If you are watching 16x9 video, then it will fill the screen but looked squeezed. If you are watching 4x3 video on a 4x3 TV, then you will get a squeezed picture plus pillar box. Pillar box is 2 big black bars on the side. A few 4x3 TV's and monitors have a widescreen mode that will properly display anamorphic video. But with 4x3 video (e.g., lots of TV shows) you would end up with a big black border on all sides if you tried to use a 4x3 TV's widescreen mode. Seems like Rogue Amoeba and now Gizmodo are ignoring or downplaying these issues. I don't have an AppleTV. So correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is why Apple is saying not to use AppleTV with a 4x3 display. I wish Apple did support both 16x9 and 4x3 displays. After all any $20 DVD player will.

Battlestar Luna said...

Do you have the "Make Front Row look like AppleTV" file? the website it was in does not host it anymore.

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